ITC Success Story: Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica

They help to improve the competitiveness of companies in the ceramic sector through innovation, training and other services.
caso éxito itc

ITC: Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica

Technological partner that helps to improve the competitiveness of companies in the ceramic sector through innovation, training and other services.

“DoGood not only drives positive community impact, but has also strengthened the organization's internal culture, enhanced corporate reputation and facilitated partnerships.”

The challenge

The Instituto Tecnológico de Cerámica (ITC) sought to strengthen its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility by actively engaging its employees in actions aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Its main objectives were:

  • Protect the social and environmental impact of its activities.

  • Promote the active participation of employees in sustainability initiatives.

  • Increase the visibility of its sustainable initiatives.

  • Establish a more committed and sustainable corporate culture.

The solution

ITC integrated DoGood into its sustainability strategy for 2024, highlighting sustainability training for its employees. A massive call was made to all 143 employees, with 105 registering and 70% of them actively participating in the platform.

Thanks to DoGood, collaboration and learning among the teams was encouraged, promoting a culture of sustainability through challenges and daily actions. In addition, the winning teams had the opportunity to decide the destination of solidarity prizes, donating 1,000 euros to different NGOs.

The benefits

  • Increased commitment and awareness: 70% of employees actively participated in sustainable initiatives.
  • Greater internal cohesion: The program enhanced   teamwork   and   collaboration among employees.
  • Strengthened corporate reputation: ITC improved its image as an institution committed to sustainability and responsible innovation.
  • Tangible social impact: Donor teams were able to decide to which NGO to award prizes of €1,000 each.
  • Measuring and effective communication:   the social and environmental impact of the actions carried out by employees was recorded quantifiably   helping ITC to consolidate its position as a socially responsible company.

Thanks to this initiative, ITC succeeded in transforming sustainability from being just a corporate strategy into a value shared by the entire organization.

Impact data

participantes dogood


of the 143 invited users registered


registered users were active users

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Sustainable actions achieved

SDGs contributed during the DoGood program