
Guide to avoid greenwashing

Understanding the many nuances of greenwashing, its consequences, and how to avoid these harmful practices.

The popularization of the term greenwashing has helped set light to the problem, but the issue of deceiving sustainable and green marketing is far from over.

In fact, it can often times come as an unintentional practice, although not less harmfull to the business, consumers and the planet.

And while many companies had to reconsider their messages and communication strategy to avoid false claims and subsequent reputation losses, the nuances of greenwashing are many, and so it is important to understand them if we want to successfully avoid greenwashing.

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A guide to avoid greenwashing

Through this guide we want to show how greenwashing can appear in companies, as well as the the consequences it poses for businesses, consumers and the environment, in order to understand how we can avoid it, both internally and externally. 

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