Impact on the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda through your employees

  • Introduce the SDGs to your employees and show them how they can contribute to each of them.
  • Boost engagement and create a sustainable culture.
  • Measure the ESG impact of your employees.
  • Enhance your sustainable reputation.
  • Demonstrate that working in your company has a human purpose.

Your actions have more impact than your words

Why have a corporate sustainability strategy if your employees don’t know what the SDGs are?

We propose you to empower your employees to be part of the change and to impact the SDGs during the European SDG week.

We have created a special program for the European SDG week.

What is DoGood?

DoGood is the software that helps organizations improve their sustainable culture by activating and measuring the ESG impact of their employees.

With our app we launch sustainable challenges to the employees to make them become part of the sustainability strategy and with our dashboard we can follow the impact and participation, giving traceability to the actions.

How does it work?

SDGs Challenges

Choose the challenges your employees will complete to drive sustainable culture in a simple and active way. As we like to say: Learn By Doing.

Impacting the SDGs

Make a positive impact through challenges and learn how each of our actions can bring us closer to a better world.

Corporate community

All challenges will be validated by photos or comments posted on a private social wall.


For each completed challenge, the user will earn points that will place him in a social ranking, where he can win different prizes and get recognition for his efforts.

Join the change!