

International intersectoral technological group

Our client since




The challenge

Our work with Arquimea begins with the purpose of translating such compromise to the internal world of the company, and with the objective of taking the first steps towards sustainability. Given their size, the company is, for the first time, obliged to present a non financial report, for what they want to engage employees and raise environmental awareness.


The solution

In this context of awareness in regards to individual impact of employees in the environment, que set up a program to slowly move towards sustainability; through challenges directed towards the fulfillment of Arquimea’s specific SDGs, and by linking these to good practices we start to work with employees for them to associate Arquimea with sustainability.

We put in place a special communication plan to raise awareness among employees about this new sustainability journey in Arquimea. We procure digital graphic materials as well as an automatic measuring of their impact regarding employees’ sustainable actions.


The outcome

Through this program we managed to build, for the first time, engagment in regards to the internal sustainability of the company, issue a green bond for Arquimea and create an estrategic basis for the implementation of the 2022-2025 environmental plan. Additionaly, tanks to the gained awareness and engagement of employees, we managed to save more than 1,500 litres of water, and reduce CO2 emissions by 780 kg.