What does the current and upcomign European corporate sustainability regulatory framework look like?
The European Union has taken the lead in corporate sustainability regulations. It has been years in the making, and it will continue to evolve in the years to come, but as for today, there are many very relevant demands on organizations’ tables.
Corporate sustainability regulations are key to transform our current economy to one that puts people and the planet at the core of its activities, and that ir precisely the goal the EU has set itself to achieve.
Engage employees in your sustainability strategy
Through this simple infographic we want to show a very brief introduction and a first glance to what current and upcoming EU laws, rules and regulations in the the realm of sustainability look like.
If you want to know more about the European siustainability regulatory framework you can download and read the complete guide here.
Current and upcoming EU laws, rules and regulations
Do you want to know more about current and upcoming EU sustainability regulations?